A Harmonious Collaboration: Sunrise Marketing and Dothan Nurseries Unveil New Signage Collection

In an innovative partnership, Sunrise Marketing and Dothan Nurseries, owned by J D Boone in Dothan, Alabama, have unveiled a new series of signs that blend educational content with aesthetic appeal. This initiative marks a significant step forward in the nurseries’ commitment to sustainability, customer education, and brand cohesion, aligning seamlessly with their recent brand overhaul, which introduced a new design, logo, and color scheme.

Innovative Signage for a Sustainable Future

The collaboration focused on creating a signage system that not only enhances visitor navigation but also emphasizes the importance of environmental stewardship and plant care. The signs cover a range of topics, including the critical role of pollinators, the benefits of upcycling, the essentials of recycling, and the intricacies of light conditions for houseplants. Working with Sunrise Marketing graphic designer Linda Porter, J D found just the right mix of style, information and fun to make it all work.

“I’ve loved working with Kurt and Linda. I’ve asked for some wild things and they never skip a beat!  They just do it. So easy to work with and open to new ideas.  I love Sunrise Marketing!” – J D Boone, Dothan Nurseries


Celebrating Pollinators

Acknowledging the indispensable role of pollinators in our ecosystem, the new signage aims to educate visitors on how to support these vital creatures. The signs are designed to intrigue and inform, offering insights into the world of pollinators, as well as identifying plants tagged with the pollinator badge right within the nursery.

Encouraging Upcycling

A standout feature of the new signage is the promotion of the upcycling initiative. This program is designed to encourage customers to bring back their used pots in exchange for a discount on new purchases. The signs not only guide visitors on how to participate but also underscore the importance of reusing resources to reduce environmental impact.


Helping your customers succeed in the garden is a key goal of Dothan Nurseries. Initiating the “Sure-Gro-Kit” is a great way to insure their success, upsell any necessary products while upgrading their warranty to 3 years. Truly a Win-Win strategy for Dothan Nurseries.

Simplifying Recycling

With clear and informative signs, the recycling program at Dothan Nurseries has been given a new lease of life. These signs make it easier for visitors to understand recycling protocols, ensuring that everyone can contribute to a more sustainable environment effortlessly.

Understanding Light Conditions for Houseplants (Prototype)

Recognizing the challenges that come with selecting the right houseplants for different light conditions, the collaboration introduced signs that demystify this aspect for customers. By providing clear, easy-to-understand guidance, these signs help visitors make informed decisions, ensuring their houseplants thrive.

Fun Signs! (Grow Signs are Prototypes)

J D Booner and the staff at Dothan Nurseries have made sure many of the signs have incorporated the personality, as well as the style, of Dothan Nurseries and their employees. We recently revised the “What Flower Are You?”, as well as a few prototypes with the Grow campaign that re-purpose social media images as store signs. This really helps customers identify with and bond to the brand.

A Seamless Brand Integration

The design of the new signage was carefully considered to align with the refreshed brand identity of Dothan Nurseries. The use of the nursery’s new logo and color scheme across the signs ensures a cohesive and visually appealing experience for visitors, blending education with brand consistency.

In partnership with Sunrise Marketing, Dothan Nurseries has successfully launched a signage initiative that not only elevates the customer experience but also reinforces the nursery’s dedication to sustainability, education, and aesthetic elegance.